Unidad Educativa Municipal "Antonio Jose de Sucre"
💜💛Educational Project💛💜
💚The death of the beauties of the National Park💚
🌳Yasuní 🌳
Extinction refers to the definitive disappearance of some animal species or plant from the Yasuní National Park. It is an irreversible process. This is causing the loss of the great biodiversity of the Yasuní Park and there are many causes for what happens both natural and man-made and the effects are fatal for the Yasuní National Park and for our country.
The Yasuní has a great biodiversity, which has been affected by our contamination, by illegal acts, felling of trees, exploitation of minerals, fires, illegal hunting and more, which brings bad consequences such as endangering or extinguishing the flora and fauna of this Park thus reducing its biodiversity and attractiveness for tourists who visit our country, I think that we should have laws or projects that prohibit hunting, mineral exploitation, logging, pollution and from my point of view this will be seen affected in the very near future.
Among the endangered species of the Yasuní National Park, is the black caiman (Caiman niger), it is very clear that the extinction of this species is due to hunting, for its highly valued skin.
I do not agree with how we are treating our biodiversity since we are affecting it and extinguishing our species, extinction is irreversible and from my point of view we are setting a bad example to the world by putting unique species that live in it in danger of extinction. Yasuní National Park and in my opinion the government should be more attentive to the biodiversity of our beautiful country.

The goal of life is to make the beat of your heart match the beat of the universe. May your nature coincide with Nature.

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